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Your Year-End Online Fundraising Blueprint
Welcome to Your Year-End Online Fundraising Blueprint!
😃 Welcome - I'm so happy to have you here!
📼 Video recording (83:33)
🎧 Audio recording
💬 Chat log from the live training
💻 Session Slides
🤖 ChatGPT Prompts for Nonprofits
📝 Your Year-End Online Fundraising Checklist
🗂️ SWIPE FILES - online fundraising examples from nonprofits
🛠️ How to Create a Nonprofit Social Media Toolkit for Your Online Fundraising Campaign
📱 Mobile Giving 101 Checklist
✅ Best Practices for Small Nonprofits on Social Media
📧 Email example from Wikipedia
🤖 ChatGPT Prompts for Nonprofits
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